
Mini Shell

Direktori : /home/institutonamaste/www/class/
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Current File : /home/institutonamaste/www/class/class-blog.php

class Blog{	

	private $li			= 'blog/';
	private $licons		= 'icons/';
	private $tb 		= "blog";
	private $tbi 		= "blog_idioma";
	private $tbc 		= "categoria";
	private $tbbc 		= "blog_categoria";
	private $padrao		= "banner-site-irm-blog-dicas.jpg";	
	public function __construct($page)
		if($page == 'home')
			echo $this->Home();
		elseif($page == 'interno')
				echo $this->Interno();
				echo $this->Blocos();

	public function Home()
		$i = 0;
		$sql = DBRead($this->tb, "WHERE status = '1' AND id_blog_master = '0' ORDER BY data+0 DESC LIMIT 3", "titulo, img, texto, autor, data, video, url");			
		while($row = mysqli_fetch_object($sql))
			$img 	= (!empty($row->img)) ? IMG.$this->li.$row->img : ((!empty($row->video)) ? 'https://i1.ytimg.com/vi/'.$row->video.'/mqdefault.jpg' : IMG.$this->li.$this->padrao);
			$title	= Resumo($row->titulo, 120);
			$link	= BLOG.'/'.$row->url;			
			$text 	= Resumo($row->texto, 180);
			$box[$i] = $this->HomeBox($img, $title, $text, $link);							
		$blog = '
		<div class="row">
			<div class="col-md-6 col-12">
				<div class="box plus">
				</div><!-- box -->
			</div><!-- cols -->
			<div class="col-md-6 col-12">
				<div class="box">
				</div><!-- box -->
				<div class="box">
				</div><!-- box -->
			</div><!-- cols -->
		</div><!-- row -->	

		<a href="'.URL.'/blog" class="more">VER MAIS CONTEÚDO</a>';
		echo $blog;
	private function HomeBox($img, $title, $text, $lk)
		$box = '
		<img src="'.$img.'"/>
		<div class="text">
			<a href="'.$lk.'" class="read"><i class="fa fa-plus-square" aria-hidden="true"></i> Ler mais</a>
		</div><!-- text -->';
		return $box;
	public function Blocos()
		$p 	 = (isset($_GET["p"])) ? $_GET["p"] : 1;
		$qnt = 5;
		$ini = ($p*$qnt) - $qnt;
		$max = NULL;
		if(!empty($_GET['ano']) && !empty($_GET['mes'])){
			$ano = DBEscape($_GET['ano']);
			$mes = DBEscape($_GET['mes']);
			$where = " WHERE status = '1' AND YEAR(data) = '".$ano."' AND MONTH(data) = '".$mes."'";
			$sigla = DBEscape($_GET['idioma']);
			$sig = $this->ReadIdiomas($sigla);
			$where = " WHERE status = '1' AND idioma = '".$sig->id."'";	
			$where = $this->Search($_GET['busca']);				
			$where = " WHERE status = '1' AND id_blog_master = '0'";
			$cat = DBEscape($_GET['categoria']);
			$sql = 
					b.id id, b.titulo titulo, b.texto texto, b.img img, b.url url, b.video video, DATE_FORMAT(b.data, '%d') dia, DATE_FORMAT(b.data, '%m') mes, DATE_FORMAT(b.data, '%Y') ano, DATE_FORMAT(b.data, '%d/%m/%y') datas
					".TBP.$this->tb." b				
				INNER JOIN ".TBP.$this->tbbc." bc
					ON b.id = bc.id_blog
				INNER JOIN ".TBP.$this->tbc." c
					ON c.id = bc.id_categoria
					c.url = '$cat' AND b.status = '1'");	

				$max = (mysqli_num_rows($sql) > 0) ? mysqli_num_rows($sql) : 1;
			$sql = DBRead($this->tb, $where." ORDER BY data+0 DESC LIMIT $ini, $qnt", "id, titulo, texto, img, url, video, DATE_FORMAT(data, '%d') dia, DATE_FORMAT(data, '%m') mes, DATE_FORMAT(data, '%Y') ano, DATE_FORMAT(data, '%d/%m/%y') datas");		
		$blog = '
		<section class="blog">		
			<div class="banner pages-banner">
				<div class="container">
					<h1>BLOG NAMASTÊ</h1>
					<h2>Acompanhe as últimas novidades.</h2>
				</div><!-- container -->
			</div><!-- banner -->
			<div class="container">
				<div class="row">
					<div class="col-md-8 col-sm-8 col-12">';					
						if(mysqli_num_rows($sql) > 0)
							while($row = mysqli_fetch_object($sql))
								$img = (!empty($row->img)) ? IMG.$this->li.$row->img : ((!empty($row->video)) ? 'https://i1.ytimg.com/vi/'.$row->video.'/mqdefault.jpg' : IMG.$this->li.$this->padrao);
								$ti	 = Resumo($row->titulo, 160);
								$lk	 = BLOG.'/'.$row->url;						
								$res = Resumo($row->texto, 800);								
								$blog .= '
								<div class="box">
									<div class="datas">
										<i class="fa fa-calendar" aria-hidden="true"></i> '.$row->datas.'
									</div><!-- -->
									<div class="image">
										<a href="'.$lk.'"><img src="'.$img.'" /></a>
									</div><!-- image -->
									<div class="resume">
										<a href="'.$lk.'"><h3>'.$ti.'</h3></a>
										<a href="'.$lk.'" class="more"><i class="fa fa-plus-square" aria-hidden="true"></i> Ler mais</a>
									</div><!-- resume -->
								</div><!-- box -->';	
							$blog .= '
							<div class="box">
								<h1>Não encontramos nenhum artigo publicado nesse link.</h1>
							</div><!-- box -->';	
						$url = $this->UrlPages();
						$blog .= Paginacao($qnt, $p, $url, $where, $this->tb, $max).'
				</div><!-- row -->';
			$blog .= '			
			</div><!-- container -->		
		return $blog;
	private function Search($busca)
		$busca = DBEscape($busca);
		list($dia, $mes, $ano) = explode("/", $busca);
		if(!empty($dia) && !empty($mes) && !empty($ano) && strlen(trim($ano)) == 4)
			$data = $ano.'-'.$mes.'-'.$dia;				
			$where = " WHERE status = '1' AND data = '".$data."'";
			$where = " WHERE status = '1' AND titulo LIKE '%".$busca."%'";
		return $where;		
	public function Interno()
		$url = DBEscape($_GET['url']);
		$sql = DBRead($this->tb, "WHERE url = '$url'", "titulo, img, texto, autor, status, data, video, meta_keywords, meta_description, url");		
		if(mysqli_num_rows($sql) < 1)
			LinkAlert(BLOG, "");
		$row = mysqli_fetch_object($sql);		
		$img = (!empty($row->img)) 	? '<div class="img"><img src="'.IMG.$this->li.$row->img.'" /></div>'	: '';
		$you = (!empty($row->video))? Youtube($row->video, $row->titulo) 				: '';
		$box .= '
		<div class="container blog-interno blog">
			<div class="row">
				<div class="col-md-8 col-sm-8 col-xs-12">

					<div class="text">
					</div><!-- text -->
					<div class="col-xs-12 social">'.
					<div class="col-xs-12 voltar">
						<a href="'.BLOG.'">Voltar</a>
				$box .= $this->SideRecentes($url);
			$box .= '		

		return $box;
	private function SideRecentes($url)
		$box = '
		<div class="col-sm-4 col-xs-12 side">
		</div><!-- col-sm-4 col-xs-12 -->';
		return $box;
	private function ReadDias($mes, $ano)
		$sql = DBRead($this->tb, "WHERE YEAR(data) = '$ano' AND MONTH(data) = '$mes' AND status = '1'", "COUNT(*) dias");		
		$row = mysqli_fetch_object($sql);
		$mes = '<span>»</span> '.MesName($mes).' <span>('.$row->dias.')</span>';
		return $mes;

	private function ReadIdiomas($sigla)
		$sql = DBRead($this->tbi, "WHERE sigla = '".$sigla."'", "idioma, sigla, id, img");		
		$row = mysqli_fetch_object($sql);	
		return $row;
	private function ReadCategoria($id)
		$sql = DBRead($this->tbbc, "WHERE id_blog = '".$id."'", "id_categoria");		
		while($row = mysqli_fetch_object($sql))
			$sql2 = DBRead($this->tbc, "WHERE id = '".$row->id_categoria."'", "categoria");
			$row2 = mysqli_fetch_object($sql2);
			$box .= '<i class="fa fa-bookmark-o" aria-hidden="true"></i>'.$row2->categoria;
		return $box;

	private function UrlPages()
		if($_GET['ano'] && $_GET['mes'])
			return BLOG."?ano=".$_GET['ano']."&mes=".$_GET['mes']."&"; 
			return URL."/tag/".$_GET['categoria']."?"; 
			return URL."/language/".$_GET['idioma']."?"; 	
			return BLOG."?"; 	
	private function Idioma()
		$box = '
		<div class="idiomas">
			$sql = DBRead($this->tbi, "WHERE img <> '' ORDER BY sigla ASC", "id, idioma, sigla, img");		
			while($row = mysqli_fetch_object($sql)){					
				$box .= '<a href="'.URL."/language/".$row->sigla.'" title="'.$row->idioma.'" alt="'.$row->idioma.'"><img src="'.IMG.$this->licons.$row->img.'" /><span>'.$row->sigla.'</span></a>';
		$box .= '
		</div><!-- idiomas -->';
		return $box;

	private function Buscar()
		$box = '
		<div class="search">
			<form action="'.BLOG.'" method="GET">
				<input name="busca" type="text" placeholder="Buscar informações" value="'.$_GET['busca'].'" required/>						
				<button type="submit"><i class="fa fa-search" aria-hidden="true"></i></button>					
		</div><!-- search -->';
		return $box;

	private function Recentes($url)
		$box = '
		<div class="recentes">
			$select = DBRead($this->tb, "WHERE url <> '$url' AND status = '1' ORDER BY data+0 DESC LIMIT 5", "titulo, DATE_FORMAT(data, '%d/%m/%y') data, url");		
			while($line = mysqli_fetch_object($select)){
				$lk	 	= BLOG.'/'.$line->url;		
				$titulo = Resumo($line->titulo, 70);
				$box .= '<a href="'.$lk.'" title="'.$line->titulo.'" alt="'.$line->titulo.'"><span>'.$line->data.'</span> '.$titulo.'</a><hr>';
		$box .= '
		</div><!-- recentes -->';
		return $box;

	private function Arquivos()
		$box = '
		<div class="arquivos" id="accordion">
			$fa 	= 1;
			$show 	= 1;
			$sql = DBRead($this->tb, "WHERE status = '1' ORDER BY YEAR(data) DESC", "DISTINCT YEAR(data) ano");		
			while($row = mysqli_fetch_object($sql))
				$fa 	= ($fa == '1') ? 'fa-minus' : 'fa-plus';
				$show 	= ($show == '1') ? ' show'  : '';
				$box .= '
				<button class="header" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#d'.$row->ano.'" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="d'.$row->ano.'">
					'.$row->ano.' <span>[ <i class="fa '.$fa.'"></i> ]</span>
				<div id="d'.$row->ano.'" class="collapse'.$show.'" aria-labelledby="headingOne" data-parent="#accordion">';
					for($i = 1; $i<13; $i++){
						$box .= '<a href="'.BLOG.'?ano='.$row->ano.'&mes='.$i.'">'.$this->ReadDias($i, $row->ano).'</a>';
				$box .= '	
		$box .= '	
		</div><!-- arquivos -->';
		return $box;
	private function Categorias()
		$box = '
		<div class="categorias" >
				$sql = 
					DISTINCT(c.categoria) categoria, c.url url
					".TBP.$this->tb." b				
				INNER JOIN ".TBP.$this->tbbc." bc
					ON b.id = bc.id_blog
				INNER JOIN ".TBP.$this->tbc." c
					ON c.id = bc.id_categoria
					b.status = '1'
				ORDER BY RAND()");
			//$sql = DBRead($this->tbc, "ORDER BY RAND()", "categoria, url");		
			while($row = mysqli_fetch_object($sql))
				$box .= '<a href="'.URL.'/tag/'.$row->url.'">'.$row->categoria.'</a>';					
		$box .= '	
		</div><!-- categorias -->';
		return $box;		

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0